We have a dedicated team of employees that have years of experience in providing our customers with exceptional service. St. Clair Service Company, a locally owned cooperative, serving St. Clair County residents since 1931.
President Aaron Kramper, Marissa Vice-President Kent Heberer, Belleville
Secretary Rich Henss, Trenton Treasurer Brad Vahlkamp, Freeburg
Jim Fournie, Belleville
Daren Otten, Millstadt
Michael Weilbacher, Millstadt
General Manager: Brett Crawley
CFO/Controller: Neil Dusek
Agronomy/Crops Manager: David Schmitz
Credit Manager/Safety Coordinator: Sarah Simonson
Crop Specialists:
David Schmitz
David Haas
Ryan St Peters
Energy Specialists:
Todd Brumley Energy Salesman/Delivery
Chad Reno Energy Salesman/Delivery
Energy Marketing Manager:
Andrew Timmermann
FS Turf Solutions:
Turf Manager: Phil Bottcher
Seed House Facility Manager: Dave Huiras
Grain Department:
Grain Manager: Andrew Timmermann
Main Warehouse and LP Gas:
Warehouse and LP Gas Sales and Service Manager: Gary Skaer
Operations, Maintenance Shop and Spray Shed
Operations Manager: Dan Dressel
Assistant Operations Manager: Kent Beisiegel